Friday 24 May 2013


GEORGE HARRISON : After " 33 And 1/3" which was rather a bitter album right after he have lost his fight with the court regarding the similarities of his composition 'My Sweet Lord' to The Chiffons' 'He's So Fine,' this album have George at peace with himself. With the whole sad episode behind him, George produced this stellar almost acoustic album. Arguably his best since a long while. As mentioned, my interest in George have waned sharply since then and that, in turn leads me to "Flaming Pie" was to Paul McCartney. See, Paul, George did it first. I'm gonna play this CD out loud and announce to the world that I love this album.
ignored most of the songs here. As I was writing this, I was listening to
this album again and it was like I was listening to a new album. I was amazed at how good it was and what an injustice I did to George. But then I was only 20, what do I know. There really are no bad tracks here. Mostly acoustic, George sounded at ease here and this was to him as to what

Love Comes To Everyone ( Harrison ) : A good track to start off an excellent album. I quite like this. George sounded laid back and sang without a care in the world.

Not Guilty ( Harrison ) : This was a bonus for us die hard Beatles fans 'cos this was a left over from his days as a Beatle during their times in India. This track started life in 1968 as a full blown guitar track but here it is given an acoustic backing.

Here Comes Te Moon ( Harrison ) : Conceived as a sort of sequence to his famous 'Here Comes The Sun.' Unfortunately it doesn't hold a candle to the classic. Actually what can ? Still on its on, it is pleasant enough tune.

Soft Hearted Hana ( Harrison ) : I have totally forgotten this song. I honestly don't know why for this is a seriously good and upbeat track. Guarantee to leave a smile on your face.

Blow Away ( Harrison ) : One of my favourite George Harrison's single. This one grabs you instantly and never let go and stays on in your mind for days.

Faster ( Harrison ) : George's love of car racing and Jackie Stewart inspired this uptempo track. Not a bad track by far and the chorus is catchy as hell but somehow it didn't do as well as a single as 'Blow Away.' I use to skip this too during the album days but now I actually find it one of the highlights here.

Dark Sweet Lady ( Harrison ) :  An ode to his lady love and the recent Mrs.Harrison, Olivia Trinidad. Not really a standout track but when you visualise a husband singing this to his wife, it somehow sounded so right. Another one I've neglected criminally.

Your Love Is Forever ( Harrison ) : Yet another standout track which I've guiltily ignored. What was I thinking. The instrumentation is flawless and memorable.

Soft Touch ( Harrison ) : Quite a nice track here. We've come to the second last track here and I've yet to hear a bad song and somehow I don't think I will.

If You Believe ( Harrison / Wright ) : A fast tempo gem. A good way to end an excellent album that may make u just want to repeat the whole experience again.

Additional Track :

Here Comes The Moon [ Demo ] ( Harrison ) : Just the guitar and George on this average track. Not much different from the studio track 'cos it was not that heavy a track to start with.

DOP : 13th October 2005.

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