Friday 21 June 2013


EARLY TAKES. VOLUME 1 : It was good of Director Martin Scoresese to use this outtakes and demos for his 2011 documentary movie "Living In The Material World" about George Harrison rather than conveniently sourcing from Georg Beatle. This Cd could well be called 'The George Harrison Anthology" if there isn't one in the future. Stripped of the full instrumentation, some of the demo sounded good if not better than the finished product. Of the 10 tracks here, 8 have already been released as finished products except for 2 tracks that have never ever seen the light of day in any form since now. If this is just Volume 1, I can't wait for Volume 2. I have to confessed though that it took me a full year to get this 'cos with only 10 tracks and at full blown price, it was quite extortionate. I bought this in Singapore and I surely wasn't disappointed.
e's rich musical canon so as not to burden us fans into a dilemma as to buy or not buy materials that we already owned in the first place. Anyway, this is not a bad compilation at all.  It served as an intimate look into the soul of the man they called the quiet

My Sweet Lord [ demo ] ( Harrison ) : Amid some slight chattering came the unmistaken strain of this most famous of George's songs. I think I prefer the awesome backing in the famous product which helped the song along.

Run Of The Mill [ demo ] ( Harrison ) : Much like John Lennon's "Double Fantasy / Stripped Down", this one brings out George's voice in the bare front and he sounds good.
Martin Scoresese

I'd Have You Anytime [ early take ] ( Harrison / Dylan ) : Never really like this track from his mammoth "All Things Must Pass" album but here it sounded or was it just me, better than the original version.

Mama, You've Been On My Mind [ demo ] ( Dylan ) : This was an unheard of track and a great track too. Wonder why he left it out of his album. Probably preferred 'If Not For You,' over this which was another Bob Dylan composition.

Let It Be Me [ demo ] ( Becaud / Leroyer / Kurtz ) : This Everly Brothers' standard was the second 'new' track here. He did an almost unrecognisable version of their'Dark Horse" album called 'Bye, Bye Love.' but between the two, this is by far the better track.
song on his

Woman, Don't You Cry For Me [ early takes ] ( Harrison ) : Never an exceptional track for me, but again I find myself liking this acoustic version better than the original.

Awaiting On You All [ early take ] ( Harrison ) : One of the highlights from "All Things Must Pass," this song will sounds good even if you are singing accompanied by a washing board.

Behind That Locked Door [ demo ] ( Harrison ) : One of  my all time favorites, this one reignited my love for this lovely country styled love song.

All Things Must Pass [ demo ] ( Harrison ) : One of those songs that sounds good anyhow you sings it. There was already a Beatles version on the anthology album and this one still can sounds so fresh.

That Light That Has Lighted The World [ demo ] ( Harrison ) : Ironically, the movie on which this soundtrack was based was called "Living In The Material World" and this was the only song from that album of the same name. This one undoubtedly sounds better than the original. Sure hope there are more songs from that album in Volume 2.

DOP : 8th July 2012.


LET IT ROLL : SONGS BY GEORGE HARRISON :  After two less than satisfying compilation albums, one that have half the songs from The Beatles and the other with hits from 1976 onwards, which effectively omitted his mammoth hits like 'My Sweet Lord' and ' Give Me Love [ Give Me Peace On Earth ],' I would say this is the more satisfying collection to date. Not that it is perfect for no greatest hits Cds are ever perfect this came pretty close. Now if they have included 'Bangladesh,' this would indeed be perfect. As it is 'Best of George Harrison' to this day is the only Cd that you can find that song. Still there are ample choices to be enjoyed here.

Got My Mind Set On You ( Clark ) : Refers to "Cloud 9" album.

Give Me Love [ Give Me Peace On Earth ] ( Harrison ) : Refers to "Living In The Material World" album.

Ballad Of Sir Frankie Crisp [ Let It Roll ] ( Harrison ) : Refers to "All Things Must Pass" album.

My Sweet Lord ( Harrison ) : Refers to "All Things Must Pass" album.

While My Guitar Gently Weeps [ Live ] ( Harrison ) : Refers to "The Concert for Bangladesh" album.

All Things Must Pass ( Harrison ) : Refers to "All Things Must Pass" album.

Any Road ( Harrison ) : Refers to "Brainwashed" album.

This Is Love ( Harrison / Lynn ) : Refers to "Cloud 9" album.

All Those Years Ago ( Harrison ) : Refers to "Somewhere In England" album.

Marwa Blues ( Harrison ) : Refers to "Brainwashed " album.

What Is Life ( Harrison ) : Refers to "All Things Must Pass" album.

Rising Sun ( Harrison ) : Refers to  "Brainwashed" album.

When We Was Fab ( Harrison ) : Refers to "Cloud 9" album.

Something [ Live ] ( Harrison ) : Refers to "The Concert for Bangladesh" album.

Blow Away ( Harrison ) : Refers to "George Harrison" album.

Cheer Down ( Harrison / Petty ) : Refers to "Best Of Dark Horse. 1976 - 1989" album.

Here Comes The Sun [ Live ] ( Harrison ) : Refers to "The Concert for Bangladesh" album.

I Don't Want To Do It ( Dylan ) : The only track here not available on any George Harrison albums. Hardly groundbreaking but still a nice interpretation of this Bob Dylan original.

Isn't It A Pity ( Harrison ) : Refers to "All Things Must Pass" album.

DOP : 2nd January 2011.


BRAINWASHED : The final album from George Harrison released posthumously just before his death on the 29th November 2001. Posthumous albums are usually views suspiciously as being sketchy and not really up to mark released to cash in on the artist's death. A case in point, John Lennon's "Milk And Honey." Fortunately, this is not the case. Most of the songs here are great and sounds finished. George never sounded happier here and if you love "Cloud 9," or The Traveling Wilburys, this album is definitely for you. Providing the finishing touch by his fellow Wilburys, Jeff Lynn and his son, Dhani, this is a great final album from a great man.

Any Road ( Harrison ) : This is a great start for the album. Joyful and uptempo, you'll never suspect that George will be leaving us anytime soon.

P2 Vatican Blues [ Last Saturday Night ] ( Harrison ) : Now this is not your usual George Harrison song. Playful with fine vocal, it somehow reminds me of 'Tried Of Midnight Blue' from "Extra Texture." A g
reat track to add to George's already great canon of songs.

Pisces Fish ( Harrison ) : Typical George's softer moment but with better singing and melody. The instrumental here is first rated too.

Looking For My Life ( Harrison ) : A great track this. Would have fitted right in "Cloud 9." One of my favourite on the album. Clearly like John Lennon before him, George still have a lot of music in him.

Rising Sun ( Harrison ) : A slower moment. Not really a favourite but still listenable if only for George's vocal was was great throughout this album.

Marwa Blues ( Harrison ) : An instrumental. This one won the award for Best Pop Instrumental Performance in the year 2004. I find this rather dull though. Not as good as his other instrumental "Hari's On Tour,' from "Dark Horse."

Stuck Inside A Cloud ( Harrison ) : A great slow song with great guitar playing.

Run So Far ( Harrison ) : This is another highlight from here. Fine singing coupled with fine melody seals the deal here. Eric Clapton was said to be the first to record this but I haven't heard it. Single material this.

Never Get Over You ( Harrison ) : George sounded more like a pop star than a rock star  here but it's not a bad thing.

Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea ( Arlen / Koehler ) : A nice interpretation of this oldie. The acoustic intro of George playing his beloved ukelele reminds me slightly of "Raindrop Keeps Falling On Head," but this is a winning track all the way.

Rocking Chair In Hawaii ( Harrison ) : Another great track not unlike the previous track 'Between The Devil And The Blue Sea,"

Brainwashed ( Harrison ) : George and son featured on this spiritual song befittingly with chantings at the end. It even have them singing in the background 'God, God, God.' A fine closing track for a great album.

DOP : Unknown.

Wednesday 19 June 2013


LIVE IN JAPAN :  This was only the second official live album from George Harrison after his mammoth 1971's "Concert for Bangladesh." Unbeknown to all, this was also to be George's last solo release during his life time. For this live set we have to thanks Eric Clapton who was instrumental in persuading George to come on tour with him in Japan. After his unsavoury reception to his Dark Horse Tour in 1974, George was understandably mindful of another tour. Finally he relented which was our gain. Maybe I've have too much of Paul McCartney's live albums but I find this a thoroughly enjoyable set and it was a great success in Japan too.

DISC 1 :

Want To Tell You ( Harrison ) : The quiet one is emulating Paul McCartney with nary an introduction nor a word when he started on this track from "Revolver." The original title was 'I Want To Tell You,' Don't know why they left out the 'I.' There was a prolong instrumental middle piece. A nice quiet start to what was a greatly anticipated concert.

Old Brown Shoes ( Harrison ) : George sounded confidence on this Beatles B side. Certainly he sounded better here than on some of his studio albums.

Taxman ( Harrison ) : A somewhat quite tame version than on the original but nevertheless it's nice to see this awesome track sung live from the composer. This was sung in almost note for note by Tom Petty on the "Concert For George."

Give Me Love [ Give Me Peace On Earth ] ( Harrison ) : A fine version of his next big hit after 'My Sweet Lord.' You really can feel the love in George.

If I Needed Someone ( Harrison ) : This was a usual staple on The Beatles live act in the 60's but the vast different now is that you can actually hear George sings.

Something ( Harrison ) : A slight teasing on the guitar and then George let loose on this classic. Not as good as the version on "Concert for Bangladesh" but then we don't have too many version of George singing this live so I can live with this version. The lead guitar is awesome though.

What Is Life ( Harrison ) : I've been so used to hearing the studio version of this song that it's quite unsettling to listen to this live but as George shows here, he still got what it takes to be a rock star. I actually like this version more as the original is too loud on the ear..

Dark Horse ( Harrison ) : When this was first recorded, George have a problem with his throat so it doesn't sound so good but here, given another chance, it sounded so much better as it was intended to be.

Piggies ( Harrison ) : George sounds slightly funny here like he's goofing around but the musical backing sounds just like on the original with the harpsichord and all.

Got My Mind Set On You ( Clarke ) : Probably the the only time here you'll get to hear George singing this live. Fittingly the last song by any ex Beatles to hit no.1. Towards the end, George did manage an "Arigato.'

Disc 2 :

Cloud 9 ( Harrison ) : Amid thunderous applause though nowhere near the 60's, George continued the show with this 1987 album title track of the same name. It sound incredibly like the studio version.

Here Comes The Sun ( Harrison ) : This Beatles classic needs no introduction. George sings it in his mellow laid back style.

My Sweet Lord ( Harrison ) : His biggest hit by far. Always a joy to listen to song thought the urgency of the song is not interpreted so much in the live version. A nice but rather tame version.

All Those Years Ago ( Harrison ) : George's tribute to his fallen comrade, John Lennon was given a great performance here. Only missing elements were Paul & Linda McCartney and Ringo Starr.

Cheer Down ( Harrison ) : Nice one from "Lethal Weapons 2." one of those great George Harrison's son
gs that he doesn't bother to put on albums until it came out as bonus tracks.

David's Radio ( Harrison ) : Still in fine form, George let rip with this fine rocking track. One of the fast track that impresses on "Cloud.9" 

Isn't It A Pity ( Harrison ) : Never really like this track from "All Things Must Pass," Too long for my liking but somehow this live version make it more bearable.

While My Guitar Gently Weeps ( Harrison ) : Another Beatles classic, this is one of those songs that George can't get away without performing. George sings great here and the guitar solo courtesy of Eric Clapton was awesome..

Roll Over Beethoven ( Berry ) : This Chuck Berry composed but sang by George on The Beatles second album "With The Beatles" was given a rockier feel than on the original. It leaves the audience wanting more.

DOP : 9th January 2005.


THE TRAVELING WILBURYS COLLECTION : During the late 80's, after giving us the superb "Cloud 9." and spurred on by it's success, George went on a creative roll. This album was born out of the need for a song to fill the B side of a single 'This Is Love' which was culled from "Cloud 9." George came out with 'Handle With Care' which his record executive felt was just too good throw away on a B side. So he had a talk with George and he in turn got all his friends together and came up with this gem of an album. George's friends Bob Dylan, Roy Orbison, Tom Petty and Jeff Lynn hardly need any introduction. Superstar band, as a rule don't last very long because the ego involved were too big but this group were different. They were already well known and they have nothing to prove. These was just a gathering of good friends having some fun and it shows in the music that flowed. Selling millions and being named the album of the year was indeed more coincidental than intentional. The first album was titled Volume 1 while the second were titled Volume 3. There never was a Volume 2. That was George's idea of a sense of humour that send his fans on a wild goose chase looking for an album that didn't exist.This collection filled the gap by having a Volume 2 of DVD of the band promotional videos which was the icing on an already mouth watering cake.. I didn't get this album when it first came out and for once I am glad.

DISC 1 :

Handle With Care : The single that gave birth to this great album. Although not a great way to start the album, this George Harrison's vocal was nevertheless a great track. The executive was spot on when he said that this was too good to throw away on a B side. The part where Roy Orbison comes in still gives me the chill.

Dirty World : A fine track by any standard. I especially love the way the others sang back at the lead singer whom I presumed to be Bob Dylan. Nearing the end, I was pleasantly reminded of the oldie 'Buttons And Bows' by an extra lyric.

Rattled : A straight forward rock 'n' roll number, this one rocks like most of the tracks here.

Last Night : Another winning track. This track have a sense of urgency to it.

Not Alone Any More :  This one should be the next single. Some part of it reminds me of unsurprisingly Roy Orbison's own 'You Got It.' Every time I played this Cd, I just have to hear this one again.

Congratulations : After 5 winning tracks in a row, this one understandably  lower the bar slightly. Only slightly for I still listen through this track nevertheless.

Heading For The Light : This is slightly better and the bridges gave it the extra push needed to an otherwise average song. George here I believed and it wouldn't sound out of place in his "Cloud 9" album.

Margarita : A find intro and fine backing but never quite live up to it's initial promise. A pity for this have the making of a classic. In the end what could have been a classic became just an average song.

Tweeter And The Monkey Man : This one I like. The nursery rhymes lyric added fun to this playful tune. The replying vocal from the rest of the guys is so cute that you just got to check your pulse if it doesn't put a smile on your face.

End Of The Line : Very appropriate that George opens and closed this album with this fine uptempo track. Clearly George was on a roll.


Maxine : Another George Harrison's vocal which means he probably wrote this. Not a bad song too. Don't know why it was not included on the original album.

Like A Ship : This one is the weaker of the two bonus tracks here but still listenable.


The True History Of The Traveling Wilburys : The story of how The Traveling Wilburys came to be, as told by George Harrison who is the man responsible for the band is a compelling story indeed. The sight of these five superstar friends are indeed an awesome sight to behold. Watching the video really was a revelation to me. This was a more group efforts than I initially thought it was. Usually the one who sings the song is the one who wrote it. Here, the groups contributed in all the lyrics and each other tried at the song to see which voice fits the song best.

Handle With Care : Nice song couple with a nice video and one that shows George really enjoying himself with his famous friends.

End Of The Line : This fine number was given a poignant feel with an empty rocking chair  in place of the recently departed Roy Orbison. All shared vocal duties.

She's My Baby : The Wilburys rocking like in the 50's. Rock 'n' roll truly never sounded so good.

Inside Out : It sure warm the heart seeing these good friends singing their hearts out and having a good time in the process.In almost the same setting as 'She's My Baby,' this was another fun filled video. As was with the rest, a truly collective effort as each and every one have a turn at the vocal.

Wilbury Twist : The most fun video to watch. This one started with some actors acting the lyrics and then the band took over. Is it me or do I heart strains of 'Hope Of Deliverance' from Paul McCartney's 1993 album "Off The Ground." Since this was recorded in 1990, three years earlier, could Paul have unconsciously....ah well.....

Disc 3 :

She's My Baby : This was a better starter to this album than on the first volume. A rousing track that ripped right to your soul. Incidentally, Paul McCartney have a song with the same title on his "Wings At The Speed Of Sound" album for those interested in this kind of thing.

Inside Out : A fine track this. It have the reTom Petty. George was heard on part of the lyric too.
plying vocal that I so liked from the first album. I believe the vocal here belongs to

If You Belonged To Me : A slightly uptempo track with a fine vocal by Bob Dylan. Another great track.

The Devil's Been Busy : Seems like George been busying with the Devil nowadays. He have quite a few song with the devil as the subject. 'Devil's Radio' on "Cloud 9." Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea" on his posthumous album "Brainwashed"  and now this.

7 Deadly Sins : I like this. If I didn't know better, I could have sworn that this was 'Blue Moon' in another guise.

Poor House : A nice song with a killer lead guitar hook that get itself hooked onto your brain. This track have a somewhat country feel to it.

Where Were You Last Night : The 7th track here and still not a damper in sight.

Cool Dry Place : Honestly, I am running things to write about this Cd 'cos all the tracks are great and I don't want to sound biased.

New Blue Moon : This one started like 'Margarita' on "Volume 1" but thankfully it ended up much better. Could even have you swaying your hips. Ironically that there was a song resembling 'Blue Moon' here and now we have a 'New Blue Moon."

You Took My Breath Away : This ones a ballad and no less better than the rest of the tracks here. A nice change of pace after having my breath taking away by all the fine songs here.

Wilbury Twist : Who would have thought that these four guys who are well over their half century mark or close to could come up with an infectious tune like this. If recorded in the 50's 60's it could have started a dance craze. This could have make a better starter than a closer of this album. Takes you right back to the 50's.


Nobody's Child ( Coben / Foree ) : I absolutely loved this song as sung by Karen Young but this version was not bad at all. The Male's version of a sad song.

Runaway ( Shannon / D. Crook ) : Another old favourite from the past, no one could possibly go wrong with this awesome song and they didn't.

DOP : 1st April 2008.

Monday 10 June 2013

BEST OF DARK HORSE 1976 - 1989

BEST OF DARK HORSE 1976 - 1989 : George was on high when he score big with his Cloud 9 album which got him back on track with the big boys of rock. So the power that be thinks it's most appropriate that he should make use of that sudden shot of fame and issue this collection. I first got this on cassette and I've always like the album cover. It was out of print for some time until I spotted it in a fleas market. Naturally I grabbed it. There are only three songs here that are not available on any albums which means I would never paid the full price for this album. Still, a nice addition to my collection.

Poor Little Girl ( Harrison ) : This was a nice song to start the album. George seldom was heard singing so joyfully. A great track but slight overly long. It would be nicer if it was trimmed down to one verse less

Blow Away ( Harrison ) : Refers to 'George Harrison' album.

That's The Way It Goes ( Harrison ) : Refers to 'Gone Troppo' album.

Cockamamie Business ( Harrison ) : The second song that was not available elsewhere. Not unlike 'Poor Little Girl,' this was yet another joyful track from George. After "Cloud 9," George seems to be on a roll. Another great track.

Wake Up My Love ( Harrison ) : Refers to "Gone Troppo" album.

Life Itself ( Harrison ) : Refers to "Somewhere In England." album.

Got My Mind Set On You ( Clark ) : Refers to "Cloud 9" album.

Crackerbox Palace ( Harrison ) : Refers to "33 and 1/3" album.

Cloud 9 ( Harrison ) : Refers to "Cloud 9" album.

Here Comes The Moon ( Harrison ) : Refers to "George Harrison" album.

Gone Troppo ( Harrison ) : Refers to "Gone Troppo" album.

When We Was Fab ( Harrison / Lynn ) : Refers to "Cloud 9" album.

Love Come To Everyone ( Harrison ) : Refers to "George Harrison" album.

All Those Years Ago ( Harrison ) : Refers to "Somewhere In England " album.

Cheer Down ( Harrison / Petty ) : This was part of the soundtrack from "Lethal Weapons 2." Great song from a great movie.

DOP : 23rd August 2009.